Monday, January 23, 2012

Adventures in a new rug project

So my second project that I just now finished is this really great rug I found on this awesome blog....

So after heading to the store and grabbing the supplies I needed I was so very excited to get started. Who knew just how many hours this was going to take.....

I started with some latch hook canvas and taped it off

Next I started the knots of 1" x 4" strips of jersey tshirt in a pattern of two rows of white, then one of pink, yellow and lime green.

So after just a few rows.... Only 127.... Haha I now have this awesome rug for my bathroom.

Here is a few in an up close view

I even liked what it looked like on the back

So needless to say I am more than excited about my amazing new rug but don't know that I will be making another one of these as the amount of hours ended up just a little bit more time than I thought. Guess its now on to the next pinterest project that will hopefully take less time.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My first completed Pinterest project.

So I am a huge fan of fun headbands and needed to find a way to organize them in a great way that is both functional and cute. So I found this awesome pin that lead me to a blog ( ). She talked about using a oatmeal container since it was just the right size. How could I have not thought of that.... So I got my oatmeal container and found some old scrapbook paper and got to work.

After some rubber cement I couldn't quite believe how cute it was. After I was happy with my colors i attached a fun candle holder I had found to the bottom so they didn't take up too much counter space.

Then there was the test run to see if it works, I found some problems...... My headbands were slipping off the bottom, which won't really work so well. So what to do? I glued a few layers of fun grosgrain ribbon and made a bow to cover the seam. After that problem solved it now looks great.

Now that I've got this project done I can now check another pin off my list. What to do next? Stay tuned.....